Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Caving In

Ok, I swore up and down that I was never going to get into this whole blog thing. First of all, blog is just a stupid word anyway. Second of all, who the heck is going to read it? I'm just another guy typing away on his keyboard sharing my thoughts about life. I don't really have anything super profound to say. I just like to write. After all, that's what I do for a living. I write songs. It's a fun job...most of the time. I guess it's weird to call it a job but it is. I've been doing it for ten years now. Truth is, I've been fortunate to be doing it for that long. The music business is a pretty volatile place for anybody who finds themselves involved in it. That's the funny thing...most of us don't know how exactly we GOT involved in it. We just did. It's not really something you go to college for....well at least it wasn't for me. I just always liked music and so I wanted to write it. Eventually I happened on some people who liked what I was writing and here I am. End of story.

So...back to the whole blog thing. I tend to rebel against anything that a select pocket of people start doing. It's probably a character flaw or something. I don't know. I've always been like that. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a fringe guy. I'm not the weird pseudo-eclectic dude buying vinyl records because they sound better....or my friend's friend told me they sound better. They don't. I'm not non-conformist in that way. I'm non-conformist because I'm ok with being normal. I don't hate the suburbs just cause my friends do. Around here that makes me the odd one.

So when everybody started on the whole Myspace thing, I resisted for a long time. It was like all of a sudden everybody was an artist....and they all had photo shoots. Why do people who aren't famous get photo shoots? Look, no one is really asking themselves, "I wonder what Amy from Kansas is thinking while she's flittering about in some black and white field in her perfectly thought out not meant to look like it's been thought out Bohemian outfit that she wants you to believe she found at Salvation Army when she really bought it at Anthropology and this whole thing was magically captured by accident on film when really she asked her boyfriend who has a camera and iphoto to 'just make me look like I get art and politics and stuff'."

But I caved. I got a myspace.

Now we're onto facebook. That's the new one. It's not really's just the new Myspace. Now, it's almost like if you mention your Myspace page before you mention your Facebook page, the world has passed you by my friend. We're no longer into that whole elitist top friends thing. We have matured and the name of our maturation is Facebook. Facebook is like the quiet first born kid who never misbehaved and got all A's. Myspace is his young little socialite sister who drives some version of a small Japanese car that's filled with lip gloss and gym wear and smells like coconut verbena body wash and Subway sandwiches. Oh, and if you flub and talk about your Myspace while we are currently in a Facebook world, don't you dare say anything about your top eight friends. If you do, congratulations, you have become irrelevent. We've been at top however many you want for a long time now. You can no longer eat with the cool kids at lunch. I wasn't going to get a Facebook.

I got a Facebook.

Now....everyone is blogging. Everyone. All of a sudden John from Maryland has a new barbecue grill that he bought at Costco and we know about it. In fact, we know that he got it on sale....fifty bucks off....but when he got to the register he had to renew his Costco membership....for fifty bucks. We also know that on the way home from Costco John stopped at Kroger to buy tomato sauce, some cat food, and three unripe bananas. After arriving home John promptly sat down and reluctantly watched an episode of 'Dancing with the Stars' with his wife because she thinks he genuinely likes the show but really he just likes the girls that are in the show and most of the hot ones have been voted off by now and besides it's like waltz night or something and last week it was samba night and they wear less clothing on samba night so John decided to grab his laptop and type this blog while his wife is watching Maxim spin some pre-osteo old woman around in circles. John writes and we read.

I'm not sure why we read it but we do. I guess it's because John's life is either better or worse than ours and his blog is the answer to whether we're keeping up with the Jones's or whether we are the Jones's. I wasn't going to start blogging.

This is my first blog. Basically, here's the deal. I said earlier that I write songs for a living. I like to's enjoyable. But you really only get like three and a half minutes or so to say all the stuff you're wanting to say. It's such a structure. Sometimes it feels good to just write with no boundaries. I'm not writing a three and a half minute blog. That feels great. I don't honestly give a rip if anyone ever reads this. I really don't. I just wanted a different avenue to spill my guts besides music. So, if you happen upon this blog at some point in your day, just know that I went to Chlay's Thai Restaurant for lunch today and I'm thinking about going to Costco tomorrow to get some Salmon.